Here you can find Joel’s curriculum vitae and a list of recent publications. Be sure to check the date last updated and reach out through the Contact page if you need a more up-to-date version. For a complete list of publications, see Joel’s Google Scholar or ORCID page.
Word cloud generated from most recent papers
Curriculum vitae
Despite Joel’s best attempts to always publish open access, this is sometimes not possible (e.g., for funding reasons). Below, you can “jail break” some closed access publications authored by Joel, which are available without the journal’s copy editing and proof corrections. Note: if you would like the pretty PDF with journal typesetting, just send a request through the Contact page.
Frohlich, J., Moser, J., Sippel, K., Mediano, P. A., Preissl, H., & Gharabaghi, A. (2024). Sex differences in prenatal development of neural complexity in the human brain. Nature Mental Health, 1-16.